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Vlaggen van Noord-Amerika. Topo Wereld

Train je brein met topografie.Es un mapa de la colección EastDock Media.

Landen van Noord-Amerika. Topo Wereld

Train je brein met topografie.Es un mapa de la colección EastDock Media.

World countries flags 4. Lizard Point

Try to guess the countries that have the colours blue and white on their flags.

Noord- en Midden-Amerika: Landen. Seterra

Train je brein met topografie.

Zoek geografische kenmerken zijn: Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominicaanse Republiek, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haïti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, V ...

Länder der Nordamerika. Welt-Quiz Geographie

Könntest du, die geographische Objekte ausfindig machen? Du musst auf die Landkarte genau zeigen, wo jeder sich befindet.Es un mapa de la colección EastDock Media.

Pays d'Amérique du Nord. Jeux de Géographie

Sauriez-vous localiser sur la carte chaque pays d'Amérique du Nord? Vous devez indiquer sur la carte exactement où se trouve chacune.Es un mapa de la colección EastDock Media.

Flags of North and Central America. Lizard Point

Click on the flag of each given country of North and Central America.

Flags of the 2015 Pan American Games. Lizard Point

Try to guess all the flags of the 2015 Pan American Games.

Major parallels and meridians going through countries (JetPunk)

For each geographic line, names the countries it goes through.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

Countries from French Guiana to Canada (JetPunk)

Touch all continental countries in America exactly once: there's only one path that goes from French Guyana to Canada!

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quiz ...

Pacific Ocean countries (JetPunk)

Name the following countries that have a coastline on the Pacific Ocean.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

The original members of the United Nations (JetPunk)

Name the original members of the United Nations, including countries that no longer exist.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

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